Monday 26 December 2011

Film poster - font research

To make our film poster, we had decisions to make on which one would be suitable to represent our genre and concept of the trailer. We got our font choices from the website Here are screenshots of the top ones we liked:
Font research powerpoint

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Film trailer/poster - market research

According to our brief we know that the target audience age is between 15-24. This covers all social groups that fit into this category who enjoy watching horror films. So we set up two social network sites (Facebook and Twitter) which are known to be very popular. We also thought this would be a great platform to first advertise our trailer because news spreads very fast on these sites. Here are the set-up images below that were created to showcase our trailer to an audience - and for them to 'like' 'retweet' or comment.

Facebook page
Twitter page


Filming - Behind the Scenes

Here are a couple of shots that we took of the scenes we are filming in. It shows props and characters that are featured in our trailer, when we were preparing to set up the scene. Taking these photos of our production making shows how we worked independently together, using technology such as camera's to create our shot storyboards. 

First location= Imogens room (Sarah and Rebeccas Uni Room)

Second location= Kallys house (Dinner party)

Thursday 8 December 2011

Target Market

For our film trailer we knew that we wanted it to be rated a 15 certificate therefore we chose to market our film/trailer at people aged between 15-24 ad we felt that they would be the age group most likely to watch it. To market this age group we decided to create a twitter and facebook page as we know 15-24 year olds are very engaged with social networking sites. Below is are a few images that show what this target market are into:

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Shot List by Location

Shot list by location
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Above is the shot list that we created to establish where each of our shots are going to take place. It includes movement, angles and lengths of each shots including what characters are featured. When filming we are relying on this enormously so no shots get missed and the whole filming process goes smoothly well.


November schedule

 We started filming in November with all the shots and scenes that we had in mind.  We set dates that would be suitable for both me and Chelsea to set up in certain locations. This allowed us to be more organised so we could contact our characters on date, times and locations. 
December schedule

In December it was more packed up schedule with locations set. This was because we had half term so figured this an opportunity to add more dates for filming. Also it was nearing close to the time of our deadline.