Tuesday 28 June 2011

Year 13 | My Island

My Island

This is my island, that contains features of media that I liked and disliked. On one side there is the sunny side which stands for the things I enjoyed. For example, using Macs, making the music magazine, shooting with the camera and filming, using E-blogger and other applications like Photoshop. I put all bright colours around it with a palm tree to reinforce the seperation between the middle. 

On the other side it is more messy and dark colours used. I put 'Coursework and Deadlines' on this side because these are the two features that I disliked the most. I also put a sad face beside it so its clear. 

  • I developed my analytical and evaluation skills when asked to reflect back over my work
  • I enjoyed doing this activity because it allowed me to see what I enjoy the most and what I think I am good at, and what needs improvement. 
  • Using Photoshop and E-blogger helped me to achieve a good grade in Media
  •  Skills such as: editing, layering, type setting etc..

Monday 20 June 2011

Subject Review for AS LEVEL - Year 12

Looking back on this project, I think I did quite a lot of things well. I produced a front cover magazine, a contents page and a double page spread - that I would never be able to have created a couple of months ago. I also think that my organisation was good. Normally I struggle with losing things and then not being able to recover them and start all over again on something that I'd already done. I think what else I did well, was keeping to time management. Towards the end of the project I did feel some sort of pressure to finish everything on time, but thankfully there was not much I had to finish in a short space of time, because I had already got most of it done.

Because of all this I would at least like to achieve a grade B. With a grade B I think that because it is an inbetween grade there is room for improvement on the next project I do. I will know what I can do even better to get more points.

What I think I could have done better was be more focused. Although I kept to time management , I felt it could have been kept better. Also I could have done more research on existing products.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

'Meeting' Clip Evaluation | Working w/ Chelsea Benita & Ria

My group consists of 4 people. Myself, Chelsea, Benita and Ria, who came to our group later on, all who are in my media class. On the first lesson when we were given our brief we were asked to draw out a storyboard of 6-12 shots that we had wanted to film on a flip camera. Before drawing our storyboards though we had to come up with an idea. The scenario that we were given was a 'meeting' of two people. I was allocated as the person who would feature in the film and was Benita with Chelsea being the director/camera man. We came up with our idea of two friends having a confrontational argument. We then went through our storyboard and planned the different shot types we were to use. Eg. Long shot, Over the shoulder, Shot reverse, Mid-shot. We also thought about the length of the shot and the direction of the people featuring. We came up with a outlined script on what we would say but mainly decided that we would just improvise the next day when we would film.

The next day we filmed in school on a school bench. On our first couple take we didnt use a tripod to support our camera. We had the script for guidance and our storyboard to follow. Chelsea our director was in charge of keeping the filming carry on smoothly. We then got a tripod and it made the camera shots less shaky and more in control on the second film we made. Which featured Chelsea and Ria performing the 'argument' with me and Benita directing the shots. They performed the same scenario and we used various same shots taken from the first film.

When uploading the two clips up on to Mac computers. We decided to use our first film we made, which was me and Benita as the actors. Once putting the shots together it came up to about a 6min shot film. We asked our peers to watch the clip without telling them the concept to see whether the clips made that clear. Our peers agreed that our clip was clear and you could tell what was happening. So my group was very happy with what we had produced.
  • One thing I would do differently next time would be: choose a different idea. The idea of the 'meeting' wouldn't be the same. Which includes different using different shots, mise-en-scene, location, script etc... 
  • Things that went well were: Time management, input made from everyone in the group, acting skills, directing skills

The technological skills that I acquired were the in the filming and editing process. Furthermore, using a flip camera was something that I have never experienced before and enjoyed it. Using the zoom lense and other conventions on the camera was interesting. Also the editing process I found fun on the software iMovie. It was difficult as I had never done it before. Even now I still struggle on producing the movie all together, which I need to improve on.