Tuesday 28 June 2011

Year 13 | My Island

My Island

This is my island, that contains features of media that I liked and disliked. On one side there is the sunny side which stands for the things I enjoyed. For example, using Macs, making the music magazine, shooting with the camera and filming, using E-blogger and other applications like Photoshop. I put all bright colours around it with a palm tree to reinforce the seperation between the middle. 

On the other side it is more messy and dark colours used. I put 'Coursework and Deadlines' on this side because these are the two features that I disliked the most. I also put a sad face beside it so its clear. 

  • I developed my analytical and evaluation skills when asked to reflect back over my work
  • I enjoyed doing this activity because it allowed me to see what I enjoy the most and what I think I am good at, and what needs improvement. 
  • Using Photoshop and E-blogger helped me to achieve a good grade in Media
  •  Skills such as: editing, layering, type setting etc..

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