Monday 20 June 2011

Subject Review for AS LEVEL - Year 12

Looking back on this project, I think I did quite a lot of things well. I produced a front cover magazine, a contents page and a double page spread - that I would never be able to have created a couple of months ago. I also think that my organisation was good. Normally I struggle with losing things and then not being able to recover them and start all over again on something that I'd already done. I think what else I did well, was keeping to time management. Towards the end of the project I did feel some sort of pressure to finish everything on time, but thankfully there was not much I had to finish in a short space of time, because I had already got most of it done.

Because of all this I would at least like to achieve a grade B. With a grade B I think that because it is an inbetween grade there is room for improvement on the next project I do. I will know what I can do even better to get more points.

What I think I could have done better was be more focused. Although I kept to time management , I felt it could have been kept better. Also I could have done more research on existing products.

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