Wednesday 25 January 2012

magazine front cover final

When creating our magazine front cover, we looked at a range of film magazines and eventually decided on using the star model 'Empire' magazine. From looking at different copies of the magazine we saw that the front cover is the film character not the actor themselves. Therefore we used our two main stock characters as the trailer is centered around their friendship and the 'attachment' between the two of them. To distinguish each character we directed the actors to display different facial expressions. Above, the naive and innocent character - Sarah, acted by Junette Salonga is smiling with quite heavy makeup on. In contrast we have Kally Nichalou who plays Rebecca-  who is the abnormal protagonist, showing a more serious look and is in less makeup. We also considered the position of them two. Having them back to back shows how their friendship isn't quite what they seem because they arent facing each other. Kally is also taller than Junette, showing possibly more importance in the film trailer. Overall, we used typical conventions of film magazine front cover. Examples are, big clear masthead, straplines, large image, barcode, price of the magazine and date issue. 

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