Sunday 12 December 2010

Image Edits (Double Page Spread)

These are the double page spread images. They were taken on my camera and then edited using Photoshop. I used glow effects, saturation effects and sharpen effects. I wanted to use a glow effect to make my picture look glossy just like a magazine cover. The saturation added abit of colour to the image and the sharpen effect defined my models features.

Image Edits (Contents Page)

My contents page images were taken on my camera. I then uploaded it to a computer to edit on Photoshop. I used effects such as glow, saturation, and sharpen as I have for all the rest of my images on my front cover and double page spread. I spent about 2 days editing my images because I couldn't decide which images I actually wanted to use, so I edited all of them. 

Image Edits (Front Cover)

In this post I will show you how I made my original image look more magazine suitable. From before to between to after - using Photoshop.
The images that I have taken are for my front cover.

I have presented them on Powerpoint Slideshows to make it easier to show.

The images here on my front cover, is what I spent the most time on editing. Using Photoshop I had a few difficulties finding out how to put effective editing on my images. On this photoshoot I also edited many images to choose from at a later stage. I chose these particular edits because I wanted the top she was wearing to stand out. Such as the red love heart she had on her vest - its the only piece of colour that is involved in the image, whilst the other colours being white and black.

Selected Images

After I flat-planned all my ideas for Front Cover, Contents, Double Page. I started my photoshoot. Overall, the day I took my photoshoot I was very pleased with them. We were told to upload them to Flickr and comment on each photo we might use. I uploaded mine, but then however, Flickr would only allow for some of my pictures to be uploaded - not all of them.

Here I have taken a print screen of the selected images that I would later choose from to put in my magazine.

Flat-planned ideas [Double Page Spread]

Here are my two flat-plan ideas for my double page spread:

This page is the first page of my double page spread. It goes on the left side. At the top left side it identifies the name of the magazine 'BASE.'
With underneath it reading 'Exclusive Interview!' in two different fonts. For this flat-plan I left white blank space; this is shown to know where I want my mid-shot image to be placed. Its going across the page horizontally with all the text underneath it. The artists name will be on top of the image going across also. The interview begins with some  information about the artists and then carries onto the layout of going down in columns. On the right low side of the page there is box saying 'Images of Artist' this is where I've also shown that I want a long length image of the artist. To show how the questions and answered are shown they will have their own colour, which will make it easier for the reader to see who is saying what.

Question: ???????
Answer: ________

This is the second page of the double page spread article. It carries onto the right page going down in columns like a formal interview. There is white space made at the top, this is where a quote will go written in italic lettering. The interview ends with another image of the artist. The font used for this article is Comic Sans MS. I think this is suitable for this as my audience is young and so having a Sans font makes it a little more youthful, than having a font such as Times New Roman, which would generally represent an older audience.

Flat-planned ideas [Content Page]

Before I could produce my contents page. I decided to flat-plan what I wanted the layout, font styles, colours and images I would use on it. 
Here is my flat-plan idea: 

#Version 1

I drew it in pencil first because I changed things regularly on it. I have a big image on the top half of the page. It will go across the page horizontally. Underneath that will be the name of the magazine in block capitals. I have decided to have that coloured in Black. This should make it stand out more and be recognisable for my readers. Following underneath that there is a another text box that summarizes what can be found in the magazine.


Then underneath these, will come the page numbers and the main features. The layout is that they go down the page in two columns. With images by the text showing who's shown.

I researched alot of different contents pages. Some from music magazines and others from fashion magazines also, to get a varied opinion.  Examples:

Elle Magazine

Here is the fashion magazine Elle. I liked this contents page firstly because they kept it very simple but it is still effective. They also kept font colours and styles consistent to match with the front cover. Secondly I also liked this contents because the layout it easy to read and recognise where you can find different things in the magazine on their own pages. They also used two good midshot images that represent what the magazine is about. The two female models are perfect for their target audience: women into fashion. I decided to use some conventions from this contents page such as keeping my font style and colours consistent and separating my different features for the production of my own music magazine contents page. However, I couldn't use all conventions because this is a fashion magazine, while I am producing a music magazine.

VIBE Magazine

This is the second contents page I researched from VIBE magazine. This definitely caught my eye because of the pose from the model. Having her pose like that symbolises that she is the main feature of this edition. The colours that she is wearing also links in with the rest of the page. The colours, grey and white are quite masculine, and then to have a feminine pose like that makes them contrast very effectively, keeping their target audience un-bias to female or male. Also, the image shows the age suitable for this magazine, it would have to be older teens and adults. The word 'contents' is separated into 3 lines - but is still readable to the reader. Underneath that is shows what is inside the magazine. Here, they haven't really separated their different features and have also used quite simple font. It looks more like a paragraph rather than page directions. 

Top of the Pops Magazine
Contents page: Mizz Magazine. Here I analysed that the 
images on the page are of actors from Disney films. This makes it suitable for the younger audience because generally older people won't want to read about Disney films. This made me think about my own images that I would use and how I could relate to my target audience. The image of Zac Efron will help sell the magazine because females love him and the target audience is females. He is also an international star so is well known. The colour scheme of this page is mainly bright colours. This makes it suitable for the target audience; young girls. people are usually attracted to bright colours. They are also quite feminine colours which shows that it is aimed at a female target audience. The title that states its a contents page is quite small and in a sans serif font. It is also in bold and red on a white background which makes it stand out.

Kerrang Magazine

Contents page: Kerrang Magazine.
I liked looking at this contents page because it looks really busy with alot going on. The colours black, yellow and white stay consistent with the front cover. The slashed font style is also used throughout the magazine. On this contents page they use alot of images to show their features, long shots and close up shots. However they also balance it out with text which is layed out in columns.