Sunday 12 December 2010

Flat-planned ideas [Double Page Spread]

Here are my two flat-plan ideas for my double page spread:

This page is the first page of my double page spread. It goes on the left side. At the top left side it identifies the name of the magazine 'BASE.'
With underneath it reading 'Exclusive Interview!' in two different fonts. For this flat-plan I left white blank space; this is shown to know where I want my mid-shot image to be placed. Its going across the page horizontally with all the text underneath it. The artists name will be on top of the image going across also. The interview begins with some  information about the artists and then carries onto the layout of going down in columns. On the right low side of the page there is box saying 'Images of Artist' this is where I've also shown that I want a long length image of the artist. To show how the questions and answered are shown they will have their own colour, which will make it easier for the reader to see who is saying what.

Question: ???????
Answer: ________

This is the second page of the double page spread article. It carries onto the right page going down in columns like a formal interview. There is white space made at the top, this is where a quote will go written in italic lettering. The interview ends with another image of the artist. The font used for this article is Comic Sans MS. I think this is suitable for this as my audience is young and so having a Sans font makes it a little more youthful, than having a font such as Times New Roman, which would generally represent an older audience.

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