Tuesday 15 November 2011

Adorno theory - culture industry

Adorno (1903-69) argued that capitalism fed people with the products of a 'culture industry' - the opposite of 'true' art - to keep them passively satisfied. Popular culture was identified as the reason for people's passive satisfaction and lack of interest in overthrowing the capitalist system. Theodor W. Adorno states 3 points to his argument.

Theodor W. Adorno
The first: 
"Adorno suggested that culture industries churn out a debased mass of unsophisticated, sentimental products which have replaced the more 'difficult' and critical art forms which might lead people to actually question social life."
This means that he argued that society should appreciate much more high class culture and the things that contain it, such as, fine art, opera and theatre shows,  instead of society accepting that basic things in life, such as mass/popular culture. 
Adorno could possibly argue this point to my horror trailer by saying that the genre is not the stereotypical genre included in high culture. 

"False needs are cultivated in people by the culture industries. These are needs which can be both created and satisfied by the capitalist system, and which replace people's 'true' needs - freedom, full expression of human potential and creativity, genuine creative happiness"
What Adorno means by this, is that by society creating a culture where people believe that materialistic items. For example, using the example of my horror trailer; Adorno would say that the message I am presenting in my trailer does not give the audience much advantage to explore there own needs, they are just consuming the message that I am giving to them in my trailer.  


"Commodity fetishism (promoted by the marketing, advertising and media industries) means that social relations and cultural experiences are objectified in terms of money. We are delighted by something because of how much it cost."
Adorno's final point he makes is that the culture that we now live in, is surrounded with the idea that we need spend money to gain the finest things. What he would say about my trailer is that I am using this advantage to get more of a profit rather than creating a genuine horror trailer. 

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