Thursday 17 November 2011

Practise filming #blur focus - outside

Today we got given the task of recording a short clip of ourselves using a Cannon SLR camera and a Zoom Handy Recorder. We were taught the practical features on the camera, zooming in and out of focus, recording at different angles and using different lenses for a certain effect. The recorder we also experimented with, we saw how far the sound can travel and how clear the voices can be heard. We practiced inside and outside, because our script has certain scenes inside locations. From this exercise I have taken away with me more knowledge how a camera and microphone work in conjunction with each other. This is mainly done in the editing process, where we match each scene to the voice clip given from the recorder. 

Here is the clip below (outside location):

In this clip, we were experimenting the blur and focus on a character. At first it starts with a long shot where you can see the background by me, then the camera gradually gets closer and it turns into a midshot. From this point the camera man (Chelsea) started to play around with the effects and pick which one was suitable. This is definitely what we will have to consider for our own horror trailer. 

In this second clip, it was more about becoming comfortable with the camera and trying to keep a steady hand. Because we never had the support of tri-pod, we figured that using the handheld effect would also be good practise, because from our research we knew that this was a common convention used in horror movies and trailers. 

What we took away from this filming was different to when filming the #scary door. We chose not to do an acting scene, but instead get the character to stand still and act natural, this was so you could identify the blur and focus of the character and background. 

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