Tuesday 29 November 2011

The characters

Rebecca: (main character)
She is an only child who was living with her mum before. Her father left the family at a young age but left inheritance money. She has grown up living a rich lifestyle. She has now come to university to study grand art and French. While living at home she was on medication to control her illness that she has had from young age. However, since coming to university, to feel more like herself she has stopped taking the medication which has made her paranoid and obsessed with making new friends, especially with one girl, her flatmate, Sarah. 

Sarah: (the other main character)

Innocent, young girl, who has come from an average family, has come to university to study Journalism. She has quite a big family and is seeking freedom while away and make new friends. Sarah and Rebecca form a girly friendship that reminds her of home, so she takes to Rebecca  as her sister. When finding out about her medication she becomes a little more way of Rebecca but still remains friends with her. Even when her new friend, Alison, warns her she doesn’t want to believe it because she actually likes Rebecca. 

Alison: (the friend)

Friend of Sarahs, who Rebecca becomes increasingly jealous of. She is the character that Rebecca chases when she see’s her walking back from a lecture late at night. She is also a party girl

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