Saturday 4 February 2012

eval q1

My media product (horror film trailer) consists of typical film conventions that will be used, developed or challenged. For example a typical convention found in a horror film trailer is fast editing, typography and soundtrack. My media product has hand-held camera movements, in order to create a dramatic and uneasy rhythm. It is shown where close-ups are used of the characters emotions and a particular shot where characters were running away. By using fast editing and unstructured camera movement I think it engages the audience to be in the moment of and feel panic, anxiety and on edge – for what might happen next.

Typography was used from our research showing that not only horror trailers, but the majority of all trailers use typography to help the audience understand what the film is about and to show the title, production companies and release date. We included these conventions into our own trailer. Examples of horror films that we looked at were, ‘Obsessed, Orphan and Filth to Ashes’. We developed this idea into our own trailer by creating an effect to go with it, to fade across the screen horizontally. We found it links in well with the horror genre of mystery.

Other conventions we used were a soundtrack. We thought it appropriate to use an eerie sound with sudden thumps after each typography text was shown on screen. This connoted the calmness at the beginning of the trailer to build up towards the end.

One thing we did develop from our horror trailer research was to release our film in the Halloween month, October. We realised this to be because of the theme of scariness surrounding it. Examples of films we analysed that were released in the month of October were, Paranormal Activity 3 and Red State.

We decided that all our main characters were to be female. The reason we chose this is because the sub genre is ‘psychological horror’ – and it is a stereotypical opinion that women act crazy and obsessive. In a way, we developed this point of view by having the main character display these personality features, however on the other hand we challenged it by having other characters show the audience a much stronger and independent side of a woman – as the victim. Referring to Mulvey’s Male Gaze Theory we also took on board the costume and makeup. We challenged the idea of women being expected to have the perfect beauty, and represented them in a way that was the complete opposite, by using dark clothing and average makeup to represent the overall tone of the genre. Use of the dark clothing will confuse the audience as to why the no women are viewed as sexual objects to ‘gaze’ at.

Our trailer fulfilled the uses and gratification theory in the following ways, Firstly, ‘diversion’ because people particularly girls may be starting a new university where they have to meet new friends and introduce themselves to people they are not usually surrounded by.  It is also a diversion for people that age group, whether they attend university or not. It is also thrilling to watch and it’s what people their age do, so they can relate. By this it’s a diversion for those university students to watch the trailer and escape their current university life.  The second stage, which is ‘personal’, which involves companionship. Our trailer has the topic which university students would talk about with each other through 'personal identity'. 

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