Saturday 4 February 2012

eval q3

How effective is the combination of your film trailer, film poster and magazine front cover?

The combination of all my 3 media products made is quite effective – I would rate the consistency of it 6/7 out of 10. For the reason, I was quite pleased how we managed to use the same font throughout the products. We used it in the typography for the trailer, for the title in the film poster and for the masthead, strap-lines and captions on the magazine front cover.  Although we consistently used the same font I think we probably could have used different images of our characters, showing them from different angles. 

In all our 3 products, the images are similar– all taken from a mid-shot althouh this shows consistency of our film campaign, on the other hand having different shots, maybe taken from a high angle or low angle would have showed a variety. Other things that worked well together were the layout of film poster and magazine front cover. We chose the colour theme of dark colours, particularly greys and blacks, which were used for all 3 products. We felt that using these dark colours highlighted the horror genre theme. However, on the magazine front cover we added the colour red. We chose this because to make our masthead and strap-lines stand out from the other dark colours it was a way to grab our audiences’ attention. And the colour red also connotes ‘blood’. Which is a common feature in horror genre films.

Our marketing campaign works well together because it is easily recognisable; we stuck to using the two main characters as the USP displaying two different facial expressions. Rebecca played by Kally Nichalou shows angry and concentrated glares whereas Sarah acted by Junette Salonga was more happy, smiley and content. 

 However, one criticism I have for the combination of our film trailer, film poster and magazine front cover is that the fact that we didn’t have a major use of iconography/props that would link our three media products into the horror genre even more. So given the chance to redo our media products I would add props such as knives and iconography such as bloody and bruised make-up.
Overall, how we publicized all 3 our of media products was successful. But looking at one of the products, particulary the film poster, this attracts a much younger audience. This is due to the reason that film posters are put up every around local shopping centers, schools and so on…
Whereas film magazines aren't as promoted as much so they would be less like to go and purchase the magazine. Instead a website or social networking sites is more popular and the film poster would attract the modern day young audience. This age group use daily so they would be able to come across our website and social networking site easily.

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