Tuesday 20 September 2011

Narrative Structure and Todorov Theory

Narrative structure is generally described as the structural framework that underlies the order and manner in which a narrative is presented to a reader, listener, or viewer.

What is the common narrative structure of a trailer?
The common narrative structure of a trailer appears in 4 stages. The first stage is the Opening. This establishes the setting and introduces the character.  The second stage is the Build-Up where we establish the relationships being developed and their actions in 'their' world. For example, its the first ideas the viewers recognise when they watch a trailer for the first time.  The third structure is Problem. The convention of this is recognising a dilemma or series of complications and what the characters are faced with such as, an obstacle to overcome. There may be more than one problem in the narrative. The last convention is Events. This is a series of events as characters try to overcome obstacles and solve problems.

How does the narrative structure differ from Todorov's structure?
It differs from Todorovs structure because unlike the narrative structure, Todorov structure;
Todorov's narrative structure theory simply outlines the chain of events found in the storyline to conventional films. The sequence of events is said to go something like this:

Equilibrium - The starting balance in the story, where normality is held.
Disruption - An event that breaks the normality and causes irregular changes in the environment.
Recognition of disruption - The characters involved try to restore normality, but fail.
Resolution - Eventually, they succeed in overcoming the disruption.
New equilibrium - A new order is restored. Anything affected by the disruption is most likely to have changed, thus this equilibrium is new.

How does the structure of a trailer help sell it to an audience?
The structure of a trailer helps sell the film to viewers by not showing the ending of the film. This creates a need for the audience to find out what is the end result. The trailer will capture action packed, intriguing shots that will want to make the viewer see the film in full and chronologically. 

[scream trailer]

At the start of the film we see a teenage girl in a house, behaving normally and representing the student body at the college she attends. This is the equilibrium of the film where everything is content and mellow. We see this through various mid-shots of the teenage girl with calm and diagetic sound.
disruption begins when the young couple are murdered in the beginning of the film, which leads to fear as fellow students realise there is a murderer.
Students attempt to fight back and work out who the killer is. Protagonist emerges. Police get involved and try to protect. Which furthermore gives the viewer and other characters a
recgonition of disruption.
resolved when the murderers reveal themselves and are then killed.
new equilibrium is then demonstrated with the protagonist winning and therefore allowed to continue her life. Finishing with a happy ending. 

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