Tuesday 20 September 2011

Film Research

Acquisition: The acquisition of goods and/or services at the best total cost of ownership
Major Distributors: A company that releases a huge number films each year and consistently commands a significant share of box office revenue in a given market 
Independent Distributors: Independent distributors are subsidiaries outside of main studios with half of their finances coming from a major studio
Marketability: is a film ability to appeal to an audience face to uncreative element. 
Playability: is a term used in film marketing that describes the ability to appeal to an audience over a long period of time

When is the ideal time for a film's  marketability to be assessed by a distributor?
The ideal time for a films marketability to be assessed is when the film is first released to its audience.  For example, when the teaser trailer is shown.

When is the ideal time for a distribution deal to be in place?
The ideal time for a deal is when the distributor has viewed a teaser of a trailer and worked out its plans for marketability within the viewing audience. 

How many films per week are released on average in the UK?

What generates more money in the UK for films? Ticket sales or Home Entertainment Market (Film rentals)?
I would say both as they both have positive and negative aspects. Ticket sales sell in large numbers during the week, especially on peak days such as friday and saturday when viewers tend to watch movies on the weekend. This generated money to the cinemas, which is then also generated back into the film that they are paying to see. Film Rentals also generate money as people who cant go to the cinema, or have missed the viewing of a particular film at a selected cinema, can watch the movie in the comfort of their home so will rent a film for a few days.

When is a good time in the year to release a film aimed at young people in the UK?
Arguably, a good time to release a film in the UK is during the peak summer month, july-august. Where it is the summer holidays for young people, and have more free time to spend money.

What is a distribution plan?
A distribution plan comes in three stages. Firstly, it includes working out methods such as the delivery terms, coding, pricing, packaging and shipping. Secondly. Outline the transaction process between your product and customers, methods of process? billing and processing orders. Thirdly, if its applicable to your product. Who is involved in sales?

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