Friday 9 September 2011

Functions of film trailer | Uses of gratification theory

Spidergram conventions of a film poster
View more presentations from ditzychelsea.

Both presentation slides show my work and thoughts on where a film trailer can be found.
Another convention that can be found in the method of a film marketing campaign is 
'Uses and Gratification Theory'

'The theory places more focus on the consumer, or audience, instead of the actual message itself by asking “what people do with media” rather than “what media does to people” The theory also holds that audiences are responsible for choosing media to meet their needs.'

The needs are:
1. Diversion - a form of escape or release from everyday pressures. The diversion represented in this film is that if young black girls and women are experiencing the same tradegys they don't feel alone. Example?
For Coloured Girls.

2. Personal - Companionship through identification with TV characters and sociability through discussion about TV with  other people. The Inbetweeners is a great example as the TV characters are young and can relate to todays youth. They also go on holiday to a very popular place with teenagers in todays present society. Example? 
 Inbetweeners Movie

3. Personal Identity -  the ability to compare ones own life with the characters and situations portrayed and explore individual problems and perspectives.  This is a great relation because, people living in a similiar situation can identify their own life through a film. It also enables them to recognise how they can overcome any problems they do have. Example ?
the Pursuit of Happiness

4. Surveillance - Information  about 'whats going on' in the world.  This gives insight to the viewers about current affairs in the world. For some people who dont understand the issues within the goverment or international relations can get it simplified for them through a film. Example? 

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