Tuesday 18 October 2011

Brief plan

Once we had our idea in place, we had to think of the specified structure we would want to use to make our trailer. To decide on things that we want to feature in our trailer. Features such as, fade-ins, credits, voiceovers and typography sentences. We decided to open with fade-ins that would be black screen with typography on top of them, then a scene shown. We also decided that we would include production company titles, to make it seem like a real film trailer. Voiceovers we didn't really want to use, so instead we decided that on some parts of the trailer where scenes are shown continuously, we would use some dialogue from the film to help the story flow along for the audience to listen too. All the plans were made on A3 sheets of paper.

We also decided on locations that we could possibly film at. Some were interior locations, and others were exterior. Examples of some locations were: college, forest/park, inside a house ... 

On another sheet of paper we began to establish the type of shots and the length of the shots in seconds. In the description we also planned which characters are featured in the shot.

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