Monday 17 October 2011

The Idea

Now that most of my research is complete and up to date, I am now put into my film production group which is me, Chelsea and Ishmail. Already we have had to come up with a concept for the horror film trailer. Together, we looked at the idea of a physiological horror sub-genre where the focus is on the main character becoming obsessed with another character and acting completely abnormal. There have been several films that use this brief and have produced effective films. One example is 'Obsessed' which features a woman working as a secretary in an office becoming sexually intrigued by a high status working married man. She begins to go out of her way to spend as much time with him, and becomes increasingly jealous of the man's wife and plots to kill her. However, we recognised that our brief was to produce a film trailer that is aimed at teenagers and a certificate 15. So we have changed a few things slightly to achieve our brief instead. 

Here is the trailer and synopsis for the film Obsessed. 

Our Idea:
(Our victim) starts university and is introduced to (Our villain) at a freshers party in the first week of starting university. They become close girl-friends, going shopping together, watching films, partying and doing  girly things. On one visit to the villain's home, in a conversation to her mum, our victim finds out that she is on medication. After realising this, there is a shift in the villain's behavior. Other friends of the victim who talk to her, experience frightening threats off the villain, the victim's boyfriend is also feared for his life when the villain says she will kill him if he doesn't leave her alone. 

Following on from our idea, we needed a final name for our film. Because of the film example shown above called 'Obsessed' we also thought it would be quite effective having a one worded title, as our concept of the film is quite similar. However, we had to search for a similar word that had the same meaning. We came up with the word 'ATTACHED' through searching on Thesaurus. Other words we came up with were:

    The two main charcters in our trailer are females, and they will be the most featured. We research most popular girls names top 100, and picked our two names from their website. 

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