Tuesday 18 October 2011

Screenplay and first draft synopsis

Once developing a brief idea of how we want things to be produced and planned out, we decided that the script should be planned out also. We included information if its an interior or exterior scene and also whether its day or night. Now that are title for the film and character names are established, we wrote our first draft screenplay. We did this on a software program called Celvix. Now below in picture formats:

Screenplay pdf
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Now that we had established what our main idea for the trailer would be, we decided to have a go in writing a first draft synopsis. We knew that it would be our first draft because as we go along, some ideas may be cut or changed, so we didn't want to make any final decisions. Here below is the first draft. 

When first year college student Sarah arrives at university, she cannot wait to make new friends, socialise and more importantly, further her ambition to be a fashion journalist. In the mean time, Rebecca, an emotional and unstable student is also joining the same university, in a mind frame of disturbing thoughts that lead her to hurting people. Sarah and Rebecca become friends, and soon Rebecca reveals her true colours of a psychopath. How long will Sarah survive before its too late for her to run?

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