Monday 3 January 2011

Evaluation | How Did You Attract/ Address Your Audience?

The design idea for my magazine was taken from many other existing music magazines. It’s set out with the masthead in the right top hand corner. This is clear for my readers to identify which magazine they are reading. On the rest of the magazine, the strap line is based on the bottom of the page. On the side of the magazines there are other lures and cover lines that read about celebrity interviews and fashion tips this would appeal to my target audience because I know that this is what will draw them to reading it. The choice of colours will also appeal to my target audience because they are going to be bright colours. I decided to use these bright colours because it will clearly highlight the genre of Urban being youthful. We can see this through the use of font styles as well and the choice of words like “hot” “sick” “OMG” “ballin” “trippin’”. These are all examples of words that target my audience because these are just a few selection of slang words that they use regularly and can understand what they mean.

In order to publicise and promote my magazine to its audience, I’d make a lot of decisions where I would want it to be seen. My first idea would to have it advertised on music channels, but a music channel that showed the same genre of music videos. I would put it on these channels because many readers would watch this and know that the magazine is relating to what they find interesting, and want to go out and buy it. I would also promote it on billboards and bustops where I know a lot of young people would see it.

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