Monday 3 January 2011

Evaluation | Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task, What Do you Feel you Have Learnt in the Progression from it to the Full Product?

After looking back at how my skills when doing the prelim task, I would say definitely my skills have been challenged and developed. From the beginning I had no idea how to used certain softwares and found it difficult to remember how to use certain functions. 

This is because after the Prelim task I only had the basic skills in use, so when moving onto softwares like Photoshop and Pages, I could use those basic skills added onto more complex skills I was learning, which overall helped me to create my final products.
Front Cover
Preliminary Task

After doing the prelim task and all of my research and planning it was a lot more easier for me to know what the code and conventions of my music magazine would have to be. Such as the Masthead. In my Prelim Task - the way I layed out my masthead was completely different to the way I did it for my music magazine. The Prelim was more basic whereas in my magazine there were a lot of functions I had to onto my title to make it look more professional. It was also easy for me to pick out where I wanted it placed and spread out.

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