Monday 3 January 2011

Evaluation | In what ways does your music magazine use, develop or challenge forms and Conventions of Real Music Magazines?

To evaluate my front cover, I mainly did use and develop ideas for my own music magazine, however, I did challenge some ideas to make them into my own. Starting with the date/issue and barcode. I used this idea to put on my own magazine. Just like an existing music magazine, the barcode commonly goes at the bottom of the magazine, and this is what I developed into my own. I have placed my 'issue weekly' by the masthead - which I have also seen on existing music magazines. The price I have placed by the barcode also at the bottom of my front cover.

My masthead uses the same conventions as an existing magazine. Its bold and is placed at the top on the right corner. I've also put the lettering in bold to make it stand out more. The colour is also black, which fits in with my front cover image, because she is wearing an item that is black. The lures and straplines are around the masthead. The strapline is placed underneath the masthead, which I am developing from an exisiting music magazine. Its not a quote is generally challenging what is seen in a music mag. My main image is used just like an exisiting music magazine. I took it on a plain white background with my model wearing bright colours to contrast against it. She is wearing a black jacket, so this definately contrasts - Black and White. And then abit of colour is put in there the colour 'Red'.


  Jet Magazine (Example of Masthead)                   Q Magazine (Example of Masthead)                      

For my double page spread, a lot of inspiration was taken from existing music magazines. The colours that I made match with my photos was a main one. I also used the same conventions - I used columns to present my interview, with images near it, just like an existing music magazine

On my contents page I used and developed quite a lot of codes and conventions in my own music magazine. I used line separators, images, page numbers and captions. However this is challenged because in existing music magazines they put 'Editors Note' as a feature.
In my own music magazine I haven't used an Editors Note.

Overall my magazine does follow the normal codes and conventions of a music magazine and in some ways is the same as other magazines

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