Monday 3 January 2011

Evaluation | What Have you Learnt About Technologies from the Process of Constructing This Product?

During the process of making my products we were asked to use varied technological programs to create our music magazine. Examples were such as: Photoshop and Pages on Mac Computers. The technology program I found myself enjoy the most was Photoshop. I enjoyed working on this program because, each day I worked on my magazine, I could change what I wanted and when I wanted. Advantages of Photoshop is that  I was very please with the outcome of my pictures. It look very professional just like an existing music magazine. In addition this particular software has many different functions that can create different things, which not all softwares can do. However, a disadvantage to using Photoshop is, its difficult learning how to use it effectively, especially if you have never used it before.

We had to use Mac computers, which I had never used before. It was very good since it has a lot more programs compared to a normal PC. This helped me to experiment with many other things that could be used towards my final product. It also allowed a more creative effect come out of it, for example you could use screen grabs - that are just like print screens on normal PCs. It showed how I uploaded additional things on my blog. Even though Macs are a lot more complex to use than PCs it was a lot more easier to get the hang of than Photoshop.

Another favorable software that I used was Pages. It was similar to Microsoft Word where you would find that on a normal PC. However, pages had more professional functions on it that would help me create my music magazine. I used Pages to design my contents page and double page spread. I found it much easier editing on this software compared to Photoshop. It is simplistic but effective; it allowed you to alter photos that you wanted in the article without doing it on photoshop first.

Finally, doing the photography for my music magazine was fun. I had never done it before so it was a all new technique skill I had to develop. I had to think about pose, lighting, type of shot, angle - it was all very enjoyable to plan. Developing my images after they had been taken was fun too. I got to decide out of all my shots which ones would go where and how it would look presented. The least enjoyable bit of the experience was explaining in utter detail a description of each photo. However, overall my skills were challenged as tested when I was told to use two softwares that I had never acknowledged before. 

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