Monday 3 January 2011

Evaluation | How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups?

My magazine is representing different social groups. This can be seen in the props, clothing and in facial expressions.  The prop that I thought I was going to initially use were headphones, but then after seeing my other pictures I figured they were more effective. I thought this would definitely signify a youthful approach to my audience. As it gives an edgy look to the image. The clothing is also youthful related. Its high-street clothing where most people who read my magazines will get their clothes from. This is another way how I am appealing to youth culture. The facial expressions are also representing social groups. It’s a confident look that I’ve asked of my model to pose. This links with the pose the model has given. This is also appealing to youth culture of the age; as most teenagers who I am targeting to have facial expressions like this.
The links I can make between my own magazine and a real media product is that I have taken some ideas from the design and layout. Such as in my front cover, on the side that is where I have placed my lures, but they are sectioned off which makes them the same as existing magazines. 
Here is an example of a particular social group my magazine may be appealing too:

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