Monday 3 January 2011

Evaluation | Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product?

My magazine is called Base. It has the genre of Hip-Hop/Urban. Its target audience is aged from 15-24 males and females. The type of articles you would find in it is music reviews, interviews with musical artists and top music celeb news. These types of sections would satisfy my audience because in these articles it would include artists that I know my readers would enjoy reading about.  Some of these articles could be a diversion for the reader to escape; they read about a celebrity’s lifestyle and want to aspire to be like them.  Some of these articles will also reflect Surveillance gratification; this will give my readers a sort of satisfaction that they know everything before it even comes out.   My readership is the older teen’s generation. Some of them may have full-time/part-time jobs, or are students at college or university. They wouldn’t earn a lot since most of them would still be in education and not in a full job occupation.  My audience would probably access/listen to music by downloading, watching music videos online, TV music channels and reading music magazines.  The ‘extra’ cash that they do have would probably be spent freely on the weekends for little essentials that they might want.  In their spare time my audience’s hobbies and interests is shopping, partying, dancing/singing, working etc.. 

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