Saturday 20 November 2010

Main Image - Ideas

Who: My sister or my friend
What: My music magazine image front cover
Where: At my home, against a white background
Why: I think that a white background, makes it look sort of more professional. I also just want to keep it simple but then make the styling more dramatic; so not everything is happening too much at once. 

In a few of my ideas, there are props involved. One of my ideas there is a tall stool that my model will be sitting on. This is used to put her on a higher ground away from the camera. Another prop that could be involved is a bench. I want my model to be laying on it sideways looking at the camera. Thirdly, a hi-fi bass speakers with a microphone leading out of it - so it looks like she is singing through the microphone. 

For my idea on costume and styling I have used inspiration from celebrities whose style I like. I am 16 so I know its going to be quite easy for me to know what people of my age want to see in magazines. As for the images I'd have to think about the styling of the photograph and how I make it relate back to my peers and also the genre of my magazine RnB.

Angela Simmons

Fashion icon for young teen girls. When I found this image, I thought instantly it symbolizes how I want my model to look for my front image. Its casual, laid - back; which is what my magazine is all about. The colours she has put together are mainly dark (blacks and greens). However, she is older than her teenagers years, but yet people younger than her are still aspiring to be her.

Justin Bieber

I think this is great style for boys. In my magazine, if I am photo-shooting for boys this how I would want them to look. Research into the music press; I noticed that this is the normal casual style that young male teenagers are wearing. The styling is also a resemblance of other RnB artists.

Because, the background is white, I need my model to stand out away from it. I will use bright colours, because that also represents the youthful age that I'm trying to attract. 
On the overall front cover of the magazine, I will also being using alot of bright colours, in different sections on the magazine. So its not just all one colour. 

I want my model to have a relaxed and happy facial expression. She's a new artist so she is a beginner so I don't want it looking to posey. She will be looking at the camera, but in some ideas that I have, they will be at different angles. In some shots I will get her to smile/pout/laugh etc .. 

All of these conventions reflect my genre of music because it relates back to what my audience profile said. Both of them answered that they would like to see bright colours on the front magazine because it would attract them more to pick it up and buy. They also mentioned that they like to see smiles on a front cover. They said it makes the magazine seem more warm and friendly. 

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