Tuesday 2 November 2010

Preliminary Task Plan

The brief for the preliminary task requires me to include a mid shot of a pupil, a photo image that I must take and for it to be original. Include a masthead, strap lines, inside features and to consider the mode of address of the magazine.

We had to plan our front covers on A3 paper and annotate notes around it. Here is mine:
I chose the title for mine to be called 'Diversity', because this was a main factor that represents LaSwap sixth form. I chose to have it in bubble writing because it can relate to my younger audience better. I saw this in other magazines that they changed the font type to whatever their target audience was.

I got the logo as well and the name of the school at the bottom. I didnt see this on my research of magazines, they generally had this at the top of the magazine near the masthead. I planned to use my logo on my magazine because the logo makes it more easier to associate LaSwap with.

My image I had to use for my background was a mid-shot. I took into consideration that my magazine was called 'Diversity'. So here, I wanted diverse models in my picture. My picture uses 4 different people from different ethnicitys, however they are the same gender; this was not a coincedence, I did plan to have a boy in my picture but never got volunteers. However, my models are set in a park with the background being of grass. Two are at the front and two are the back, and all wearing different colours that add to the connotation of upbeat students who are full of youth and life. The lighting for this picture was natural.

My mode of address in lures, linked to school. There were interviews with students inside the magazine, school trips, revision tips, quizzes and games. Because of my target audience I knew that I had to have a selcetion of serious articles going on in school but also a fun back page that would make the magazine a little less boring.

Around the side in my annotations its a little hard to read but it explains what is going where and what colors im going to use as well. I was planning on changing the colour theme every week in my magazine.

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